Saturday, 29 March 2014

#4 Mari Snap-snap Di Zoo Johor!


Hai..hari rabu yang lepas, saya bersama kawan telah pergi ke zoo johor. Rasa nak snap-snap untuk aplikasikan teknik exposure (aperture, ISO dan shutter speed) yang telah dipelajari dari kelas Dr. J..hehe Walaubagaimanapon, sori..Dr.J..sebab gambar yang di snap banyak pulak dari eye level view.. Xpe..lepas ni saya improve skills untuk belajar snap dari bird's eye level view dan worm's level eye viewk.hehe :)

Trip ke zoo johor berakhir sudah. Byeee Jumpa lagi.hehe

Monday, 17 March 2014

#3 Camera Exposure : ISO, Aperture & Shutter Speed


  • ISO merujuk kepada kepekaan cahaya.
  • ISO yang tinggi membolehkan kelajuan pengatup lebih cepat dalam cahaya rendah tetapi akan menghasilkan "noise" ke dalam imej.
  • ISO rendah menghasilkan imej yang clear tetapi memerlukan cahaya yang banyak.  
  • Secara umumnya, anda akan menggunakan ISO yang paling rendah untuk menghasilkan imej yang cantik, clear dan tanpa ada "noise".
  • Malahan, anda juga boleh menggunakan ISO yang tinggi tetapi dengan bantuan flash jika berada ditempat yang gelap atau malap.

Aperture :

  • Aperture, atau f-stop, merujuk kepada berapa besar lubang akan bagi cahaya untuk melalui apabila pengatup adalah terbuka dan gambar itu terputus.  
  • F nombor yang lebih rendah sesuai dengan lubang yang lebih besar.  
  • Perkara penting yang perlu ingat ialah : makin tinggi f, perkara-perkara yang lebih di hadapan dan di belakang subjek akan berada dalam fokus, tetapi cahaya yang lebih anda perlukan. 
  • Semakin rendah nombor f, perkara-perkara yang lebih di hadapan dan di belakang subjek akan keluar dari fokus, dan cahaya yang kurang anda perlukan.

Shutter Speed :

  • Kelajuan pengatup adalah berapa lama shutter perlu terbuka, membenarkan cahaya ke dalam kamera, betul mendedahkan imej.  
  • Kelajuan shutter cepat membolehkan anda untuk "membekukan" tindakan yang dalam gambar, tetapi memerlukan banyak cahaya
  • Kelajuan shutter yang lebih perlahan membolehkan menembak dengan kurang cahaya tetapi boleh menyebabkan gerakan kabur dalam imej.  


Okay..selamat mencubaaa! hehe :)

Sunday, 16 March 2014

#2 How to choose your First DSLR camera ?

Criteria :

1.      Think about what you plan to use it for. What do you need it for? Fun, general or professional use? I would suggest writing your individual needs down to ensure the camera you choose best fits your requirements.

2.       Determine your budget. What is your budget? You have to remember it’s not just about the camera body, lenses are equally important. So consider this when budgeting along with additional batteries, memory cards, filters, flash, tripod and camera protection such as bags and cases. Buying a DSLR means buying more than just the camera body so take this into account when looking at your budget. There are some great deals and package ‘Kits’ out there where you can buy the body + lenses + tripod in a Kit so it is worth looking into these options as well.

3.      Check when the camera was released. Many cameras now have firmware upgrades, which is a great help in prolonging the life of your DSLR. 

4.      Look at is the camera’s Mega Pixel. Requirements depend on your individual needs, if you want to create large professional prints then high resolution is essential. For small images to email to family, then it is not essential.

5.      Consider a full frame sensor. Do you need a Full Frame Sensor? A full frame sensor means that you get the exact same frame size as you would with a traditional 35mm film camera. This means that you get the true angle of view from the lens you are using – this is good for wide angle architectural or landscape work. They also perform very well at a high ISO.

6.      Find out what format the camera uses. Do you need to shoot in RAW? RAW is what many professional photographers shoot in. RAW captures large files that can be non-destructively graded and manipulated in the post stage without an image quality loss. Many Cameras now have the option to shoot in RAW and it can dramatically improve the quality of your final image and your digital dark room experience.

7.      You should look at size and camera weight as this could be a factor to consider. This again comes down to use. Will you be running around shooting wildlife or travelling a lot? If so, then a small and light model would be best.

8.      Do you require a video function? Personally, even if you are a Stills Photography purest and never think you will use it, if you are buying a new DSLR today I would suggest getting one with a HD Video function, simply because they are so good. People are shooting high-end commercial work on them.

9.      Find out what video abilities (if any) it has. If you require a video function, is it important to be able to shoot in slow motion? If so this will narrow your choice of DSLR’s that can do this.

10.  Choose Lenses: If you have lenses from another manufacturer, it doesn’t mean you have to stick with the same manufacturer for your camera body, as there are so many adaptors available on the market.

11.  Find out about Compatibility. Some models of cameras are compatible with each other, in terms of using the same batteries, chargers, battery grips and so on. If this is important to you this may affect your decision. Previous gear and accessories that are compatible with your new DSLR can help reduce cost and save you having to buy all new gear again.

12.  See if it is upgradable and updateable. At the end of day, you want your DSLR to last as long as possible and not be outdated next month. Spend as much as you can afford and getting the model that best suits your needs whether as a consumer, pro-sumer or professional. It might be worth spending a little more on a model that will keep up with future upgrades and allow you to grow and learn with it, rather than buying a cheaper entry level model which will soon be out of date and although cheaper might not be beneficial in the long run.

Monday, 3 March 2014

#1 First class for Visual Technology Production.

Salam..hii semua kawan2. Hari ni merupakan hari pertama kelas untuk semester ke-2 ni. Rasa excited dapat jumpa kawan2 semula.hee Untuk kelas pertama ni ialah kelas visual.. Dr. Jamalludin Harun yang akan mengajar kami sepanjang semester ini. Kelakar orangnyaa. Jadi kat kelas x akan ade istilah "mengantok".hehe Okay baiklaa. Bagi subjek ni kena buat refleksi setiap minggu. Hopefully dapat score A untuk subjek ni. InsyaAllah. Aminn. :)

New Semester Begin!

Yeay..da masuk semester yang baru. Hopefully dapat score pointer & belajar dengan gembiraa. Btw, semester ni da start buat research study 1. All the best to me.hihi :)